2024 Annual Report
Paradigma Coalition Youth Common Position
Paradigma Coalition Launched First Exhibition
Youth in Power Project Outcome Documents
Annual Report 2023
Youth Response to 2023 World Drug Report
Here you'll find resources and toolkits developed by SSDP International and allied organisations. Are we missing something? Reach out and let us know!
Chapter Resources
Here you'll find all our resources for chapters and ambassadors. From drug information cards to stickers to our monthly Chapter Leader Newsletter, you'll find something for you here. We have also uploaded a range of cool resources from partner organisations like YouthRISE here. These include everything from informational posters to mental health toolkits. If you have resources that you think would be helpful for other chapters, email and she'll be sure to upload them.

Grant Writing Resources
Written by Róisín Downes & Issac Olushola Ogunkola.
These resources were collected to support chapters in identifying new funding sources, designing projects, and submitting proposals. The presentation featured in the SSDP African Leaders Training is divided into the following sections: Identifying funding opportunities, Assessing the opportunity, Developing an idea, Designing the project and Writing the grant proposal. The resource list consists of project planning resources, grant writing resources and potential funding sources.
Introduction to Harm Reduction
Written by Moronfolu Adeniyi & Róisín Downes.
This is a presentation created for the SSDP African Leaders Training Series. It outlines the principles of harm reduction alongside some concrete examples of successful harm reduction initiatives on the continent. You'll find a reading list of resources on the final slide focusing on harm reduction on the continent.
Open Letter to Ghada Waly on Youth Engagement with UNODC
Written by Róisín Downes & Iulia Vatau.
This letter was published and delivered to Ghada Waly on March 17th 2022. Written by SSDP International in collaboration with SSDP (US). Signed by over 60 civil society organisations, the letter raised key issues on the transparency and accessibility of the Youth Forum and provided recommendations on how the organisation, as well as member states, can improve their mechanisms to be more inclusive of youth perspectives. These recommendations were also reiterated by Iulia Vatau, the SSDP United Nations Global Fellow, who made a statement to the main session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs the following day.

Liberian Harm Reduction Leaflet
This leaflet was developed in collaboration with the West African Drug Policy Network, Paroles Autour de la Santé, the Association of Progress Youth Liberia, Support. Don't Punish and Students for Sensible Drug Policy International (Liberia).
The leaflet is one of the first of its kind in Liberia and intends to provide low-threshold harm reduction advice to people who use drugs in the country.

Youth Advocacy at the United Nations Handbook 2nd Edition
The second edition of "Drug Policy Reform at the United Nations: A Youth Advocacy Handbook" (2021) was authored by Iulia Vatau and edited by Róisín Downes.
The first edition of "Drug Policy Reform at the United Nations: A Youth Advocacy Handbook" (2020) was originally authored by Orsi Fehér and edited by Róisín Downes.
Traditionally a core resource to the training of SSDP members participating at the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND), the Handbook provides an accessible introduction to the workings of UN institutions and ways civil society can get involved in decision making. From tips and tricks for inside and outside track advocacy to key action alerts, the Handbook has been the starting point for every SSDPer willing to venture into the ups and downs of international drug policy.

List of International Days of Action
A list of Days of Action chapters and activists can use to advance their advocacy and harm reduction efforts. International Days of Action are a great opportunity to engage policy and decision-makers about the intersectional aspects of drug policy. Some days that are central to the SSDP International calendar are Support. Don't Punish Global Day of Action (June 26th), International Overdose Awareness Day (August 31st) & World Health Day (April 7th).

Youth Response to the World Drug Report 2021
Co-Authors: Róisín Downes, Iulia Vatau, Orsi Feher, Liza Begum, Beatrix Vas, Axel Bilbao, Alex Akin, & Alex Quan.
Through this Response, we offer some key suggestions and insights that would help to strengthen the utility of the report as a policy-informing document for member states and advocates alike. Particularly, the Response looks in-depth at young people and cannabis risk perceptions, the distinction between legal and illegal markets, as well as harm reduction services during the pandemic. While we hold in high regard the commitment of the international community towards these key themes, we hope that our observations add much-needed nuance to the conversation.

Annual Report 2019/2020
Annual Report 2022
In December of 2020, SSDP International was formally recognised by the Austrian Government as a civil society organisation. The activities detailed throughout this report span the time period June 2019 to June 2020 - during this time SSDP International was named the Global Program as part of SSDP Foundation (headquartered in Washington D.C). SSDP International has been set up as an independent organisation to SSDP Foundation to duly support the SSDP Networks outside of the United States & in the international advocacy space.
We are more dedicated than ever to fostering the SSDP Movement across the world.
We would like to thank SSDP Foundation, in particular, Rachel Wissner & Luis Montoya, for their endless support and guidance leading up to and throughout the founding of SSDP International. We would also like to thank Jake Agliata for his unwavering commitment and support for the international movement of young drug policy reformers.