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SSDP, students drog policy association

About us


A world where youth are empowered to drive meaningful change in drug policy and combat the harms caused by the war on drugs. We neither condone nor condemn drug use, but instead, we promote youth civic engagement as a powerful tool for reform. Our vision is rooted in respect for the diverse experiences and identities of our constituents. We stand against the stigmatisation of people who use drugs and advocate for policies based on justice, respect, compassion, evidence, and human rights. Through leadership development and advocacy, we strive to create a future where young leaders advocate for policy changes that prioritise the well-being of all individuals and communities. 


To promote youth civic engagement and develop leaders who advocate for change based on justice, liberty, and compassion. At SSDP, we believe that young people have a critical role to play in shaping drug policy at the local, national, continental, and global levels. Through mobilisation and empowerment, we empower our members to participate in political processes and reduce the harms of counterproductive policies. 

Our Objectives

  • Advocacy and Policy Reform: Advocate for policy reforms at local, national, and international levels to prioritise harm reduction, decriminalisation, and evidence-based approaches to drug use.
  • Youth Empowerment and Leadership Development: Empower young people to become leaders in the drug policy reform movement by providing training, resources, and opportunities for activism and advocacy.
  • Education and Awareness: Raise awareness and educate the public about the impact of current drug policies, promote harm reduction strategies, and debunk myths and stigma associated with drug use.
  • International Collaboration and Networking: Strengthen partnerships and collaboration with like-minded organisations, advocacy groups, and policymakers to amplify our impact and advance shared goals.

The Global Team

ssdp intl - SSDP team - Charity Monareng

Executive Director

Charity Monareng

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ssdp intl - SSDP team - Arvy K

Project Manager

Arvy K

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ssdp intl - SSDP team - Iulia Vatau

United Nations Global Fellow

Iulia Vatau

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ssdp intl - SSDP team - Sara Velimirovic

Development Officer

Sara Velimirovic

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The Board of Directors

ssdp intl - SSDP board - Jacob Chagnon

Jacob Chagnon

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ssdp intl - SSDP board - Mmesomachi Oji

Mmesomachi Oji

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ssdp intl - SSDP board - Molly Ogbodum

Molly Ogbodum

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ssdp intl - SSDP board - Uchenna Imo

Uchenna Imo

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ssdp intl - SSDP board - Ewelle Williams

Ewelle Williams

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ssdp intl - SSDP board - Marveline Atieno

Marveline Atieno

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ssdp intl - SSDP board - Honey Andres

Honey Andres

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ssdp intl - SSDP board - Sam Lasham

Sam Lasham

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ssdp intl - SSDP board - Chichi Chewe

Chichi Chewe

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The Advisory Board

ssdp intl - SSDP board - Bernice Apondi

Bernice Apondi

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ssdp intl - SSDP board - Maria-Gorretti Ane Loglo

Maria-Gorretti Ane Loglo

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ssdp intl - SSDP board - Jake Agliata

Jake Agliata

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